20 Immersive Static Ambiences
Urban Ambiences from: City, Field, Forest, Domestic Garden in Residential Area, Harbour, Park, and Town
with bird song, human voices, bicycle, rain, traffic, thunder, helicopter, ambulance siren, motorcycle, and more.
Scroll down for complete file listing.
Listen to a preview of all 20 sounds (USE HEADPHONES):
Tip: Use the file list below to see the number of each recording. That way you’ll know what you’re hearing in the preview. You may also hear the ambiences in full length on the Single Ambiences page (search there using the ambience’s MPAA number).
This package contains some nice thunder recordings, as well as a few ambulance and police sirens close and distant.
You’ll find great urban rain scenes, as well as quite windy ones. And check out the helicopters flying overhead and landing in the distance.
About the package
This is a themed Mini package with fewer versions of the different locations than the Full package. Some of these ambience files are also found in a Starter package, so if you already purchased that, use your earned discount points to get a discount on this one. Points are accumulated in your account, if you created one.
About the content
This is an exclusively exterior experience of sounds from our everyday locations, both very urban and more nature-oriented, from all four seasons. Sometimes the sun shines, sometimes the rain pours down!
The 20, highly realistic ambiences of Static Urban 3 Mini are ready to serve as the canvas of your production. You can add narration, dialogue and action on top of these backgrounds – or use them on their own to put the listener in the right mood for what’s coming next.
What you get in this collection are scenes, not individual sound effects. However, many recordings (especially less dense scenes) contain single sounds that can be isolated and used on their own. Try it. When you find the right sound, the result can be very effective.
Read about the Static type here.
Be sure to read the important information on Categorisation and Metadata to help you search and use the files.
Full information about the MPAA library is here.
Full file list
Scroll right to see all fields. Use the Filter field to only show files with specific words.
# | Category | Locale | Filename | Description | Dur. | Type |
1 | Urban / Exterior | City ‘A' | Urban_Ext_CityA_Summer_street_ residential_birds_cars_slightlyWindy_Stat_ MPAA0495_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, City ‘A’, Summer, street in residential area, birds, cars passing, distant traffic, distant dog, distant car doors, slightly windy, leaves tumbling along the street, bicycle, aeroplane, bee, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 5:04 | Static |
2 | Urban / Exterior | City ‘B' | Urban_Ext_CityB_Spring_TRAFFIC_ mediumStreet_mediumBusy_birds_voices_bicycles_ Stat_MPAA0421_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, City 'B', Spring, medium sized street, medium busy TRAFFIC, birds, bicycles, pedestrians, voices, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 6:47 | Static |
3 | Urban / Exterior | City ‘B' | Urban_Ext_CityB_Summer_ intersection_traffic_Stat_MPAA0575_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, City ‘B’, Summer, intersection, busy, slightly wet roads, traffic, cars, bicycles, pedestrians, voices, faint traffic light beeps, helicopter, distant bell from ice cream truck, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 5:45 | Static |
4 | Urban / Exterior | City ‘B' | Urban_Ext_CityB_Summer_street_ traffic_lightRain_voices_Stat_MPAA0574_ am.wav | Urban, Exterior, City ‘B’, Summer, medium sized street with slightly wet surface, light rain, light wind, traffic, cars, bicycles, pedestrians, voices, aeroplane, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 5:03 | Static |
5 | Urban / Exterior | City ‘B’ | Urban_Ext_CityB_Summer_UMBRELLA_ RAIN_medium_thunder_Stat_MPAA0477_ am.wav | Urban, Exterior, City 'B', Summer, RAIN on UMBRELLA, standing under an umbrella, rain on street in residential area, medium rain, water running into sewers, thunder, car, train, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 2:14 | Static |
6 | Urban / Exterior | City ‘B’ | Urban_Ext_CityB_Summer_ WATER-in-sewers_lightRain_thunder_Stat_MPAA0464_ am.wav | Urban, Exterior, City 'B', Summer, WATER running into two sewers after rainfall, light rain persisting, distant thunder towards end, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 4:00 | Static |
7 | Urban / Exterior | Field ‘D' | Urban_Ext_FieldD_Spring_birds_ traffic_wind_Stat_MPAA0428_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, Field ‘D’, Spring, birds, traffic on road behind, windy, meadow, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 3:39 | Static |
8 | Urban / Exterior | Forest 'A' | Urban_Ext_ForestA_AutmnWint_ TRAFFIC_road_Stat_MPAA0010_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, Forest 'A', Autumn/Winter, forest road, medium TRAFFIC L-R perspective, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 2:22 | Static |
9 | Urban / Exterior | Forest 'A' | Urban_Ext_ForestA_Spring_TRAFFIC_ ForestRoad_Stat_MPAA0407_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, Forest 'A', Spring, forest road, medium busy TRAFFIC L-R perspective, birds, pedestrians, bicycles, train, aeroplane, truck, motorcycle, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 7:19 | Static |
10 | Urban / Exterior | Forest 'D' | Urban_Ext_ForestD_AutmnWint_ mediumWind_deciduous_traffic_birds_Stat_ MPAA0261_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, Forest 'D', nearly constant medium wind (6-8 m/s, 13-18 mph), deciduous area, cars passing on medium distant road F-B perspective to the side, few birds, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0262. | 1:54 | Static |
11 | Urban / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Urban_Ext_GardenA_AutmnWint_ FIREWORKS_medium_NewYearsEve_-10dB_Stat_ MPAA0110_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, Autumn/Winter, front garden, New Year’s Eve, medium busy FIREWORKS, -10 dB, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 2:40 | Static |
12 | Urban / Exterior | Harbour 'B' | Urban_Ext_HarbourB_AutmnWint_ HELICOPTER_cars_waves_distantTraffic_Stat_ MPAA0077_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, Harbour 'B', Autumn/Winter, facing fjord, cars passing, HELICOPTER passing right overhead, faint waves, distant traffic, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 2:24 | Static |
13 | Urban / Exterior | Harbour 'B' | Urban_Ext_HarbourB_AutmnWint_ pedestrian_waves_distantTraffic_quiet_Stat_ MPAA0078_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, Harbour 'B', Autumn/Winter, facing fjord, pedestrian passing behind, faint waves, distant traffic, quiet, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 2:17 | Static |
14 | Urban / Exterior | Park 'A' | Urban_Ext_ParkA_AutmnWint_ HELICOPTER_landing_Stat_MPAA0075_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, Park 'A', Autumn/Winter, HELICOPTER landing on roof 800 meters away, footsteps, few birds, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 1:23 | Static |
15 | Urban / Exterior | Town 'A' | Urban_Ext_TownA_Spring_ churchSquare_birds_siren_distantTraffic_ footsteps_Stat_MPAA0445_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, Town 'A', Spring, church square, birds, seagulls, footsteps, distant traffic, faint voices, faint police siren driving around town, faint sander, slightly windy, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 5:08 | Static |
16 | Urban / Exterior | Town 'A' | Urban_Ext_TownA_Spring_parkingLot_ cars_voices_birds_Stat_MPAA0446_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, Town 'A', Spring, parking lot, birds, cars, car doors, voices, footsteps, distant church bell strike, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 4:45 | Static |
17 | Urban / Exterior | Town 'A' | Urban_Ext_TownA_Spring_ smallSquare_TRAFFIC_medium_-9dB_Stat_MPAA0447_ am.wav | Urban, Exterior, Town 'A', Spring, town square, medium TRAFFIC L-R and behind, birds, music from passing car, cars, motorcycles, voices, -9 dB, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 3:55 | Static |
18 | Urban / Exterior | Town 'A' | Urban_Ext_TownA_Spring_ smallStreet_cars_pedestrians_Stat_MPAA0443_ am.wav | Urban, Exterior, Town 'A', Spring, small street, bicycles, pedestrians, voices, few cars, car doors, distant church bell strike, doors, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 5:00 | Static |
19 | Urban / Exterior | Town 'A' | Urban_Ext_TownA_Spring_townSquare_ birds_cars_pedestrians_voices_ motorbikes_Stat_MPAA0444_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, Town 'A', Spring, town square, birds, cars, pedestrians, voices, motorbikes, bicycles, seagulls, music from passing cars, fairly busy, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 5:26 | Static |
20 | Urban / Exterior | Town ‘B' | Urban_Ext_TownB_Spring_TRAFFIC_ shoppingMall_Stat_MPAA0409_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, Town ‘B’, Spring, slow TRAFFIC at driveway to small shopping mall, ambulance passing close by, siren, faint voices, pedestrians, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 4:47 | Static |
Total duration: | 1:21:52 |
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