30 Immersive Static Ambiences
Autumn/winter leisurely Ambiences from: Amusement Park, Ski Resort, Zoo, Concert Room, Restaurant, Shopping Centre, Supermarket.
Scroll down for complete file listing.
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From the fairly quiet winter Zoo, over the medium busy winter Amusement Park to the always busy Supermarket and Shopping Centre. You get to be at the places of some of the most popular leisurely activities – including the winter favourite of the busy Ski Resort.
About the package
This is a themed Add-on package intended to either upgrade the Mini to Full, or stand alone as a smaller version of the Static Leisure 1 package. Some of the ambience files are also found in a Starter package, so if you already purchased that, use your earned discount points to get a discount on this one. Points are accumulated in your account, if you created one.
About the content
While many animals are hibernating or have left the Northern regions of the world, people entertain themselves with lots of activities. So nature is not the focus of this collection, we are!
The 30, highly realistic ambiences of Static Leisure 1 are ready to serve as the canvas of your production. You can add narration, dialogue and action on top of these backgrounds – or use them on their own to put the listener in the right mood for what’s coming next.
What you get in this collection are scenes, not individual sound effects. However, many recordings (especially less dense scenes) contain single sounds that can be isolated and used on their own. Try it. When you find the right sound, the result can be very effective.
Read about the Static type here.
Be sure to read the important information on Categorisation and Metadata to help you search and use the files.
Full information about the MPAA library is here.
Full file list
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# | Category | Locale | Filename | Description | Dur. | Type |
1 | Leisure / Exterior | Amusement Park 'A' | Leisure_Ext_AmusementParkA_ parkAtmosphere_footsteps_voices_amusements_Stat_ MPAA0270_am.wav | Leisure, Exterior, Amusement Park 'A', Autumn/Winter, general park atmosphere, calm, birds, footsteps, voices, adjacent rides, distant screams, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0271. | 5:34 | Static |
2 | Leisure / Exterior | Amusement Park 'A' | Leisure_Ext_AmusementParkA_ ROLLERCOASTER_modern_loop_screaming_Stat_ MPAA0271_am.wav | Leisure, Exterior, Amusement Park 'A', Autumn/Winter, modern ROLLERCOASTER (with loops and twists) ride, pulled up, drives the ride, screams, other adjacent rides, footsteps, visitors passing L-R, birds, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0270. | 1:49 | Static |
3 | Leisure / Exterior | Amusement Park 'A' | Leisure_Ext_AmusementParkA_ rollercoaster_traditional_linePerspective_ screaming_Stat_MPAA0275_am.wav | Leisure, Exterior, Amusement Park 'A', Autumn/Winter, traditional rollercoaster ride from waiting-in-line perspective, medium distant, passengers entering platform above, voices, footsteps, screams, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 3:02 | Static |
4 | Leisure / Exterior | Amusement Park 'A' | Leisure_Ext_AmusementParkA_ TILT-A-WHIRL-style_modern_screaming_Stat_MPAA0274_ am.wav | Leisure, Exterior, Amusement Park 'A', Autumn/Winter, modern TILT-A-WHIRL style ride, filling up, starting, footsteps, voices (multiple languages), laughter, screams, visitors passing L-R behind, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 6:35 | Static |
5 | Leisure / Exterior | Ski Resort 'A' | Leisure_Ext_SkiResortA_Wint_ buttonLiftSlope_cars_voices_skis_snow_Stat_ MPAA0295_am.wav | Leisure, Exterior, Ski Resort 'A', Winter, button lift slope bottom, semi-distant button lift engine, distant chairlift engine, cars passing above behind, distant voices, skis, snow, skiers passing, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0293 and 0294. | 2:10 | Static |
6 | Leisure / Exterior | Ski Resort 'A' | Leisure_Ext_SkiResortA_Wint_ buttonLiftSlope_mid_cars_voices_skis_snow_Stat_ MPAA0299_am.wav | Leisure, Exterior, Ski Resort 'A', Winter, button lift slope mid-side, distant button lift engine, distant chairlift engine behind, distant cars passing, distant voices, skis, snow, skiers passing, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0298. | 2:05 | Static |
7 | Leisure / Exterior | Ski Resort 'A' | Leisure_Ext_SkiResortA_Wint_ buttonLiftSlope_voices_skis_snow_Stat_MPAA0294_ am.wav | Leisure, Exterior, Ski Resort 'A', Winter, button lift slope bottom, semi-distant button lift engine, distant chairlift engine, distant voices, skis, snow, skiers passing, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0293 and 0295. | 2:21 | Static |
8 | Leisure / Exterior | Ski Resort 'A' | Leisure_Ext_SkiResortA_Wint_ chairLift_voices_skis_snow_Stat_MPAA0296_ am.wav | Leisure, Exterior, Ski Resort 'A', Winter, chairlift, by entrance to lift, lift engine, clinks from ski poles, voices (multiple languages), skis, snow, skiers arriving, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 3:46 | Static |
9 | Leisure / Exterior | Ski Resort 'A' | Leisure_Ext_SkiResortA_Wint_ smallSlope_voices_cars_skiers_Stat_MPAA0289_ am.wav | Leisure, Exterior, Ski Resort 'A', Winter, middle of smaller slope, very faint music and cars passing behind, voices, skis, snow, skiers and pedestrians passing, distant sound of lift conveyor engine, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0288 and MPAA0290. | 3:30 | Static |
10 | Leisure / Exterior | Ski Resort 'A' | Leisure_Ext_SkiResortA_Wint_ smallSlopeTop_conveyorLiftEngine_voices_ motherWithChildren_skier_Stat_MPAA0292_am.wav | Leisure, Exterior, Ski Resort 'A', Winter, top of smaller slope, conveyor lift engine, voices (mother with children), skis, snow, skier passing, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0291 and MPAA0293. | 1:34 | Static |
11 | Leisure / Exterior | Zoo 'A' | Leisure_Ext_ZooA_AutmnWint_ FLAMINGOS_birds_Stat_MPAA0201_am.wav | Leisure, Exterior, Zoo 'A', Autumn/Winter, FLAMINGOS, other birds, distant hammering, aeroplane, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0200. | 2:34 | Static |
12 | Leisure / Exterior | Zoo 'A' | Leisure_Ext_ZooA_AutmnWint_ penguinBassin_birds_voices_Stat_MPAA0214_am.wav | Leisure, Exterior, Zoo 'A', Autumn/Winter, penguin bassin with swimming penguins, birds, radio, voices, aeroplane, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 3:29 | Static |
13 | Leisure / Exterior | Zoo 'A' | Leisure_Ext_ZooA_AutmnWint_ SPARROWS_kean_voices_birds_Stat_MPAA0204_ am.wav | Leisure, Exterior, Zoo 'A', Autumn/Winter, sparrows, kean, other birds, voices, distant children playing, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 2:25 | Static |
14 | Leisure / Interior | Amusement Park 'A' | Leisure_Int_AmusementParkA_ FUNHOUSE_screaming_Stat_MPAA0278_am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Amusement Park 'A', Autumn/Winter, FUN HOUSE with assortment of moving stairs, wheels and walkways. Rumble from machinery, voices, footsteps, squealing, running footsteps from suspension bridge above, screams, ZM-1-3E | 3:43 | Static |
15 | Leisure / Interior | Concert Room 'A' | Leisure_Int_ConcertRoomA_ finalApplause_walla_voices_-6dB_Stat_MPAA0191_ am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Concert Room 'A', dry room, student’s concert, final long applause after concert, audience behind, then walla of voices, -6 dB, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0187-0190 and 0192. | 1:45 | Static |
16 | Leisure / Interior | Concert Room 'A' | Leisure_Int_ConcertRoomA_silence_ Stat_MPAA0190_am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Concert Room 'A', dry room, student’s concert, silence, audience whispering occasionally, coughing, audience behind, ZM-1-3E. Can be used as background to a performance. Matches MPAA0187-0189 and 0191-0192. | 1:48 | Static |
17 | Leisure / Interior | Concert Room 'A' | Leisure_Int_ConcertRoomA_strings_ tuning_preparation_voices_Stat_MPAA0187_ am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Concert Room 'A', dry room, student’s concert, strings, tuning, preparation, audience voices behind, instrument noises, children, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0188-0192. | 2:22 | Static |
18 | Leisure / Interior | Restaurant 'A' | Leisure_Int_RestaurantA_eating_ voices_walla_plates_cutlery_mediumBusy_ Stat_MPAA0185_am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Restaurant 'A', medium sized restaurant, 1-2 persons eating at table, voices (multiple languages), walla, plates, cutlery, footsteps, very faint background music, medium busy, ZM-1-3E. Can be used together with MPAA0183 via crossfade. Matches MPAA0184. | 3:38 | Static |
19 | Leisure / Interior | Restaurant 'A' | Leisure_Int_RestaurantA_voices_ walla_plates_cutlery_mediumBusy_Stat_ MPAA0184_am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Restaurant 'A', medium sized restaurant, voices (multiple languages), walla, plates, cutlery, footsteps, very faint background music, medium busy, ZM-1-3E. Can be used together with MPAA0183 via crossfade. Matches MPAA0185. | 3:05 | Static |
20 | Leisure / Interior | Shopping Centre 'A' | Leisure_Int_ShoppingCentreA_ fastfoodRestaurant_counter_voices_Stat_MPAA0164_ am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Shopping Centre 'A', fastfood restaurant, near counter, beeps, doors, voices, distant cutlery, handling noises, footsteps, calm, very faint background music, ZM-1-3E | 2:52 | Static |
21 | Leisure / Interior | Shopping Centre 'A' | Leisure_Int_ShoppingCentreA_ firstFloor_mediumBusy_voices_footsteps_ children_Stat_MPAA0155_am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Shopping Centre 'A', first floor, medium busy, footsteps, voices, children, very faint background music, ZM-1-3E | 3:11 | Static |
22 | Leisure / Interior | Shopping Centre 'A' | Leisure_Int_ShoppingCentreA_ firstFloor_playground_children_voices_Stat_ MPAA0160_am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Shopping Centre 'A', first floor, by children’s playground, children playing, voices, distant checkout beeps, very faint background music, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0159. | 2:45 | Static |
23 | Leisure / Interior | Shopping Centre 'A' | Leisure_Int_ShoppingCentreA_ secondFloor_mediumBusy_voices_children_Stat_ MPAA0163_am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Shopping Centre 'A', second floor, medium busy, voices, children, cups and glasses clinking, very faint background music, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0162. | 2:08 | Static |
24 | Leisure / Interior | Supermarket 'A' | Leisure_Int_SupermarketA_ nearGreensSection_mediumBusy_telephone_ checkoutBeeps_voices_handlingNoises_footsteps_ Stat_MPAA0157_am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Supermarket 'A', large supermarket, near greens section, distant phone ringing, distant checkout beeps, display coolers humming, medium busy, voices, handling noises, footsteps, ZM-1-3E | 2:17 | Static |
25 | Leisure / Interior | Supermarket 'B' | Leisure_Int_SupermarketB_ atBakerySection_coolers_voices_paperBags_ mediumBusy_Stat_MPAA0170_am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Supermarket 'B', medium supermarket, at bakery section, display coolers humming, medium busy, voices, paper bags, ZM-1-3E | 2:23 | Static |
26 | Leisure / Interior | Supermarket 'B' | Leisure_Int_SupermarketB_ checkout_mediumBusy_voices_ handlingNoises_shoppingCarts_Stat_MPAA0169_ am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Supermarket 'B', medium supermarket, at checkout, checkout beeps, medium busy, voices, handling noises, shopping carts, paper bags, bottles, child, ZM-1-3E | 2:24 | Static |
27 | Leisure / Interior | Zoo 'A' | Leisure_Int_ZooA_chimpanzeeHall_ voices_children_Stat_MPAA0213_am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Zoo 'A', chimpanzee hall, voices from visitors, children, animals are quiet, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0212. | 2:42 | Static |
28 | Leisure / Interior | Zoo 'A' | Leisure_Int_ZooA_hippopotamus_ internalBasin_starling_voices_Stat_MPAA0206_ am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Zoo 'A', hippopotamus house with internal basin: cooler, birds (Superb Starling), snorting, splashing, low voices, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0205 and MPAA0207. | 2:19 | Static |
29 | Leisure / Interior | Zoo 'A' | Leisure_Int_ZooA_primatesHall_ birds_voices_doors_Stat_MPAA0215_am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Zoo 'A', primate’s hall, few birds, low distant voices, quiet, ZM-1-3E | 1:36 | Static |
30 | Leisure / Interior | Zoo 'A' | Leisure_Int_ZooA_rainforestHall_ birds_voices_shama_waterfall_Stat_ MPAA0210_am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Zoo 'A', rainforest hall, birds (Shama, Bee-Eater and others), voices from visitors in the hall, children, small waterfall splashing, flapping wings, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0209 and 0211. | 2:33 | Static |
Total duration: | 1:24:25 |
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