January 18, 2022
This week we added 6 new Packages to the Munk Productions Ambisonic Ambiences (MPAA) library. The content, which you can also find on the Single Ambiences page, is now available in these Packages:
Static Transportation 1/Static Transportation 1 Mini/Static Transportation 1 Add-on – the first packaged release of 50 highly realistic transportation Ambiences from the MPAA library. With this collection you can put your listener in a large selection of locales from aircraft over trains to car, plus related locations like airport, metro & train stations, ferry areas, and more.
Static Leisure 2/Static Leisure 2 Mini/Static Leisure 2 Add-on – continuing the Leisure series, this is a selection of 50 dense Ambiences of fun, holiday & relaxation. This time we go south to capture the lively atmosphere of warmer regions. You also get a visit to a large football stadium where 31000 roaring football fans shout, chant, boo and whistle – and some nice, dense indoor scenes of people out to enjoy themselves.
You’ll find both Packages in the usual three size options: The full size 50-Ambience package, the Mini version containing 20 of these 50, and the Add-on package with the remaining 30 Ambiences.
The Packages are available for immediate download in both Ambisonic and Binaural formats here.