50 Immersive Action Ambiences
Interior and exterior action sequences and sounds from the home and domestic garden
with raking, grinding, digging, hammering, lopping, sawing, edge trimming, lawn mowing, garage door, bathroom sink, boiling egg, brewing coffee, opening and closing doors, footsteps, microwaving, baking, washing, tumble drying, cat.
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Get the sounds of the most common domestic activities inside and outside – plus a happy cat!
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This is a themed full size package. Some of the ambience files are also found in a Starter package, so if you already purchased that, use your earned discount points to get a discount on this one. Points are accumulated in your account, if you created one.
About the content
Recorded in two different domestic houses and a garden, these action sequences and their sound sources provide you with audio to use both as descriptive ambiences for any domestic narrative, and as single sound sources in 3D surroundings.
The 50, highly realistic ambiences of Action Domestic 2 are ready to add 3D action to your production.
Read about the Action type here.
Be sure to read the important information on Categorisation and Metadata to help you search and use the files.
Full information about the MPAA library is here.
Full file list
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# | Category | Locale | Filename | Description | Dur. | Type |
1 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_Autumn_ collectingLeaves_train_Act_MPAA0011_am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden 'A', Autumn, back garden, collecting leaves, leaves rustling, electric train passing above, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 1:38 | Action |
2 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_AutumnWint_ angleGrinder_concrete_-4dB_Act_MPAA0344_am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden 'A', Autumn/Winter, angle grinder, grinding concrete, footsteps, faint voices, faint dog, -4 dB, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0345-0347. | 3:09 | Action |
3 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_AutumnWint_ angleGrinder_concrete_-4dB_Act_MPAA0346_am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden 'A', Autumn/Winter, angle grinder, grinding concrete, throwing debris off to the side, footsteps, faint voices, -7 dB, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0344-0347. | 3:21 | Action |
4 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_AutumnWint_ digging_concrete_showel_Act_MPAA0350_ am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden 'A', Autumn/Winter, digging dirt around concrete block with shovel, footsteps, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0344-0347 and MPAA0349. | 1:47 | Action |
5 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_AutumnWint_ digging_concrete_showel_machine_Act_ MPAA0349_am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden 'A', Autumn/Winter, digging dirt around concrete block with shovel, distant machine, footsteps, distant car passing, few birds, pigeons’ wings flapping, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0344-0347 and MPAA0350. | 4:33 | Action |
6 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_AutumnWint_ digging_dirt_fork_Act_MPAA0351_am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden 'A', Autumn/Winter, digging dirt with a fork, footsteps, distant birds (tits), very faint voices, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0352. | 1:24 | Action |
7 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_AutumnWint_ digging_dirt_fork_birds_Act_MPAA0352_ am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden 'A', Autumn/Winter, digging dirt with a fork, footsteps, birds (tits), distant children’s voices, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0351. | 3:04 | Action |
8 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_AutumnWint_ digging_JerusalemArtichokes_fork_Act_ MPAA0356_am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden 'A', Autumn/Winter, digging up Jerusalem artichokes with a fork, footsteps, very faint children’s voices, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 3:11 | Action |
9 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_AutumnWint_ hammeringConcrete_-2dB_Act_MPAA0345_am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden 'A', Autumn/Winter, hammering on concrete, debris flying off, footsteps, faint voices, faint pigeon, -2 dB, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0344-0347. | 1:48 | Action |
10 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_AutumnWint_ lopping_branches_Act_MPAA0357_am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden 'A', Autumn/Winter,lopping branches with a lopper, branches falling to the ground, footsteps, very faint children’s voices, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 2:22 | Action |
11 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_AutumnWint_ rakingSoil_rake_Act_MPAA0354_am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden 'A', Autumn/Winter, raking and conditioning soil with a rake, footsteps, very distant children, distant car passing, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0353. | 2:14 | Action |
12 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_AutumnWint_ rakingSoil_rake_close_Act_MPAA0358_am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden 'A', Autumn/Winter, raking and conditioning soil with a rake, close perspective, footsteps, distant magpies, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 1:26 | Action |
13 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_AutumnWint_ rakingSoil_rake_pigeon_Act_MPAA0353_am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden 'A', Autumn/Winter, raking and conditioning soil with a rake, footsteps, bird (pigeon), pigeon flies off, distant children’s voices, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0354. | 2:56 | Action |
14 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_AutumnWint_ sawingBranch_handsaw_medium_Act_MPAA0355_ am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden 'A', Autumn/Winter, sawing medium sized branch off a tree with a handsaw, branch falling to the ground, footsteps, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 0:50 | Action |
15 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_AutumnWint_ sawingBranches_handsaw_Act_MPAA0348_am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden 'A', Autumn/Winter, sawing smaller branches off a tree with a handsaw, branches falling to the ground, distant machine, footsteps, faint voices, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 1:09 | Action |
16 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_Spring_ edgeTrimming_lawn_Act_MPAA0364_am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden ‘A', Spring, edge trimming lawn in back garden with electric edge trimmer, birds (tit, sparrow ), Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 7:30 | Action |
17 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_Spring_ lawnMowing_gasolineMower_Act_MPAA0365_ am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden ‘A', Spring, lawn mowing with gasoline driven lawnmower, birds, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 5:19 | Action |
18 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_Spring_ lawnMowing_manualPush_Act_MPAA0363_am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden ‘A', Spring, lawn mowing with manual push non-motorised lawnmower in back garden, then emptying grass bag, birds (pigeon, tit, blackbird ), Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 7:04 | Action |
19 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Domestic_Ext_GardenA_Spring_ raking_lawn_Act_MPAA0362_am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden ‘A', Spring, raking leaves off lawn in back garden then collecting into paper bag, footsteps, birds (tit), faint voices, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 4:05 | Action |
20 | Domestic / Exterior | Garden 'B' | Domestic_Ext_GardenB_Spring_ robotLawnMower_birds_Act_MPAA0437_am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, Garden ‘B’, Spring, automatic robot lawn mower mowing lawn, birds, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 5:01 | Action |
21 | Domestic / Exterior | House 'A' | Domestic_Ext_HouseA_AutmnWint_ garageDoor_open-close_Act_MPAA0337_am.wav | Domestic, Exterior, House 'A', Autumn/Winter, electric sliding garage door, open, close, faint voices, few faint birds, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 1:05 | Action |
22 | Domestic / Interior | House 'A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_bathroom_sink_ fill_empty_Act_MPAA0528_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House 'A', bathroom, filling sink with water, emptying sink, water splashing, water running out the drain, ZM-1-3E | 1:50 | Action |
23 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_boilingEgg_ lidOff_Act_MPAA0545_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, kitchen, boiling an egg with pot lid off: Opening drawer, removing pot, putting egg in pot, adding water, placing pot on stove, switching on stove, water heating up, egg boiling, egg timer beeping, switching off stove, removing pot, pouring boiling water into sink, adding cool tap water. Drawer opening and closing, pot clanking, water running, water boiling, beeps, ZM-1-3E | 6:31 | Action |
24 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_boilingEgg_ lidOn_Act_MPAA0544_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, kitchen, boiling an egg with pot lid on: Opening drawer, removing pot and lid, putting egg in pot, adding water, putting lid on pot, placing pot on stove, switching on stove, water heating up, egg boiling, egg timer beeping, switching off stove, removing pot, pouring boiling water into sink, adding cool tap water. Drawer opening and closing, pot clanking, water running, water boiling, beeps, ZM-1-3E | 7:59 | Action |
25 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_coffee_brew_ filter_traditional_Act_MPAA0564_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, kitchen, brewing coffee and traditional filter coffee machine. Grinding beens in electric coffee grinder, inserting filter, adding coffee powder, filling can with water, pouring water into coffee maker, switching on, getting mug from cupboard, pouring coffee into mug, getting milk from refrigerator, pouring milk into mug, drinking coffee. ZM-1-3E | 0:27 | Action |
26 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_door_basement_ hall_ventilator_Act_MPAA0552_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, hall, 3 takes of opening and closing basement door: normal, slow, fast / slam door. Door handle, ventilator humming in basement when door opens, ZM-1-3E | 0:54 | Action |
27 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_door_hall_ kitchen_Act_MPAA0553_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, kitchen, 3 takes of opening and closing hall door: normal, slow, fast / slam door. Door handle, slam against wall, ZM-1-3E | 0:45 | Action |
28 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_door_hall_ livingRoom_Act_MPAA0556_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, living room, 3 takes of opening and closing hall door: normal, slow, fast / slam door. Door handle, ZM-1-3E | 0:49 | Action |
29 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_door_kitchen_ hall_Act_MPAA0551_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, hall, 3 takes of opening and closing kitchen door: normal, slow, fast / slam door. Door handle, ZM-1-3E | 0:53 | Action |
30 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_door_ livingRoom_kitchen_Act_MPAA0554_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, kitchen, 3 takes of opening and closing living room door: normal, slow, fast / slam door. Door handle, slam against wall, ZM-1-3E | 0:50 | Action |
31 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_door_terrace_ kitchen_Act_MPAA0555_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, kitchen, 2 takes of opening and closing terrace door to the outside: normal speed. Door handle, slight squeal, ZM-1-3E | 0:45 | Action |
32 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_footsteps_ hall_hall-to-kitchen_sneakers_Act_ MPAA0569_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, hall, 3 takes of walking from hall to kitchen wearing sneakers: normal speed, slow, fast. Footsteps, creaks, ZM-1-3E | 0:44 | Action |
33 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_footsteps_ hall_kitchen-to-hall_sneakers_Act_ MPAA0570_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, hall, 3 takes of walking from kitchen to hall wearing sneakers: normal speed, slow, fast. Footsteps, creaks, ZM-1-3E | 0:39 | Action |
34 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_footsteps_ kitchen_hall-to-kitchen_sneakers_Act_ MPAA0571_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, kitchen, 5 takes of walking from hall to kitchen wearing sneakers: normal speed, slow, fast, running, sneaking. Footsteps, creaks, ZM-1-3E | 1:29 | Action |
35 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_footsteps_ kitchen_kitchen-to-hall_sneakers_Act_ MPAA0572_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, kitchen, 5 takes of walking from kitchen to hall wearing sneakers: normal speed, slow, fast, running, sneaking. Footsteps, creaks, ZM-1-3E | 1:39 | Action |
36 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_footsteps_ stairs_down_above_sneakers_Act_MPAA0549_ am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, hall, stairs, 4 takes of walking down wooden staircase wearing sneakers, top perspective: normal speed, slow, sneaking, running. Footsteps, creaks, ZM-1-3E | 1:23 | Action |
37 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_footsteps_ stairs_down_below_sneakers_Act_MPAA0548_ am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, hall, stairs, 3 takes of walking down wooden staircase wearing sneakers, bottom perspective: normal speed, slow, sneaking. Footsteps, creaks, ZM-1-3E | 1:14 | Action |
38 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_footsteps_ stairs_up_above_sneakers_Act_MPAA0550_ am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, hall, stairs, 4 takes of walking up wooden staircase wearing sneakers, top perspective: normal speed, slow, sneaking, running. Footsteps, creaks, ZM-1-3E | 1:33 | Action |
39 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_footsteps_ stairs_up_below_sneakers_Act_MPAA0547_ am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, hall, stairs, 3 takes of walking up wooden staircase wearing sneakers, bottom perspective: normal speed, slow, sneaking. Footsteps, creaks, ZM-1-3E | 1:12 | Action |
40 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_ microwaveOven_Act_MPAA0543_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, kitchen, taking plate, opening microwave oven door, inserting plate, closing oven door, dealing in cooking time, starting microwave oven, opening oven door, closing oven door, removing plate, oven cooling off. Plate, microwave oven door, beeps, oven hum, cracks from cooling, ZM-1-3E | 1:57 | Action |
41 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_oven_starting_ Act_MPAA0540_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, kitchen, switching on convection oven, opening oven door, inserting baking sheet, closing oven door. Oven door, rattling baking sheet, oven hum, ZM-1-3E | 0:27 | Action |
42 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_oven_stopping_ Act_MPAA0541_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, kitchen, opening oven door, removing baking sheet, closing oven door, switching off oven. Oven door, rattling baking sheet, oven hum, ZM-1-3E | 0:32 | Action |
43 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_tumbleDryer_ start_stop_basement_Act_MPAA0562_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, basement washing room, starting and stopping tumble dryer: Stuffing in clothes, closing door, starting, stopping, opening door, removing clothes, closing door, ZM-1-3E. The section with the dryer running can be extended via looping. | 1:26 | Action |
44 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_ washingMachine_ending_basement_Act_MPAA0561_ am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, basement washing room, washing machine ending: washing, pumping out water, spinning shortly, long spin up to 1600 rpm, stops spinning, opening door, removing clothes, removing detergent ball, switching off machine. Clinks and clonks from clothes against machine door window, water pump, rattling, button clicks, handling noises from clothes, ZM-1-3E | 9:21 | Action |
45 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_ washingMachine_starting_basement_Act_MPAA0557_ am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘A’, basement washing room, starting washing machine: Stuffing in clothes, adding detergent, setting machine, starting, water intake, washing. Handling noises from clothes, button clicks, door close, water running, clinks and clonks from clothes against machine door window, water splashing inside machine, ZM-1-3E | 3:32 | Action |
46 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘D' | Domestic_Int_HouseD_cat_drinking_ closeUp_Act_MPAA0539_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘D’, kitchen, cat drinking, close perspective, faint refrigerator, ZM-1-3E | 0:52 | Action |
47 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘D' | Domestic_Int_HouseD_cat_eating_Act_ MPAA0537_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘D’, kitchen, cat eating, ZM-1-3E | 0:41 | Action |
48 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘D' | Domestic_Int_HouseD_cat_eating_ purring_closeUp_Act_MPAA0536_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘D’, kitchen, cat getting fed, cat food bag opened, cat purring, eating, very close perspective, ZM-1-3E | 1:40 | Action |
49 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘D' | Domestic_Int_HouseD_cat_meowing_ Act_MPAA0538_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘D’, kitchen, cat meowing, ZM-1-3E | 0:10 | Action |
50 | Domestic / Interior | House ‘D' | Domestic_Int_HouseD_cat_purring_ walkingAbout_Act_MPAA0534_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House ‘D’, kitchen, cat purring, walking about, lying down, getting up, faint refrigerator, ZM-1-3E | 1:33 | Action |
Total duration: | 1:58:43 |
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