20 Immersive Static Ambiences
Autumn/winter Ambiences from: House, Amusement Park, Ski Resort, Zoo, Concert Room, Museum, Restaurant, Shopping Centre, Beach, Forest, Train Station, Electric Train, Metro Station, City, Domestic Garden, Harbour.
Scroll down for complete file listing.
Listen to a preview of all 20 sounds (USE HEADPHONES):
Tip: Use the file list below to see the number of each recording. That way you’ll know what you’re hearing in the preview.
The package takes you around the autumn and winter seasons in a large number of places with traffic, wind, rain, rollercoaster, skis, and many more – a varied and useful collection.
Among the recordings you’ll find rain and wind scenes which are rare to find in an immersive format, where the microphone(s) have to be out in the free air to get the enveloping experience. We have developed equipment to accomplish this. Listen for yourself – because there’s nothing like standing in the middle of the rain without getting wet!
About the package
This is a Starter Mini package featuring a smaller selection than the Full version of ambiences from the themed packages. If you later need the contents of the Full Static Starter package, you can upgrade by purchasing the Static Starter Add-on package.
You can typically find different versions of the same or similar scenes in the themed packages – along with these files. Now, we don’t want you to pay twice for the same material. Therefore, Starter packages earn you extra discount points towards purchasing the individual themed packages. The discount is credited to your account, if you create one, where you can always check your accumulated discount.
About the content
Nature is, in the Northern regions of the world, typically fairly quiet in the autumn and winter seasons – which you can hear in some of the exterior ambiences of this collection. But humans are not! That’s why you’ll hear more from us two-legged beings in the ambiences here.
The 20, highly realistic ambiences of Static Starter 1 are ready to serve as the canvas of your production. You can add narration, dialogue and action on top of these backgrounds – or use them on their own to put the listener in the right mood for what’s coming next.
What you get in this collection are scenes, not individual sound effects. However, many recordings (especially less dense scenes) contain single sounds that can be isolated and used on their own. Try it. When you find the right sound, the result can be very effective.
Read about the Static type here.
Be sure to read the important information on Categorisation and Metadata to help you search and use the files.
Full information about the MPAA library is here.
Full file list
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# | Category | Locale | Filename | Description | Dur. | Type |
1 | Nature / Exterior | Forest 'A' | Nature_Ext_ForestA_AutmnWint_ STREAM_quiet_aeroplane_Stat_MPAA0008_ am.wav | Nature, Exterior, Forest 'A', Autumn/Winter, small STREAM, aeroplane passing, quiet, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 2:15 | Static |
2 | Urban / Exterior | Garden 'A' | Urban_Ext_GardenA_AutmnWint_ FIREWORKS_NewYear_closeAndDistant_-35dB_ Stat_MPAA0012_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, Autumn/Winter, Garden 'A', front garden, New Year’s Eve, FIREWORKS both close and distant, very busy, -35 dB, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 2:02 | Static |
3 | Domestic / Interior | House 'A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_kitchen_ refrigerator_Stat_MPAA0018_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House 'A', Roomtone: kitchen, refrigerator running, a car passing outside, quiet, ZM-1-3E | 2:01 | Static |
4 | Urban / Exterior | Harbour 'A' | Urban_Ext_HarbourA_AutmnWint_ waves_Stat_MPAA0046_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, Harbour 'A', Autumn/Winter, waves, distant cars, faint voices, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 2:13 | Static |
5 | Nature / Exterior | Beach 'B' | Nature_Ext_BeachB_AutmnWint_beach_ 40meters_waves_ocean_roar_voices_Stat_ MPAA0059_am.wav | Nature, Exterior, Beach 'B', Autumn/Winter, ocean, approx. 40 meters from water edge, fairly large waves, roar, distant voices, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 2:02 | Static |
6 | Urban / Interior | City 'A' | Urban_Int_CityA_carPark_cars_doors_ voices_Stat_MPAA0080_am.wav | Urban, Interior, City 'A', interior car park, various gasoline and diesel cars, car doors, engine stops and starts, voices and noises, cars pass in L-R perspective, ZM-1-3E | 3:33 | Static |
7 | Urban / Exterior | City 'A' | Urban_Ext_CityA_AutmnWint_ centreSquare_voices_footsteps_buses_busy_ MPAA0082_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, City 'A', Autumn/Winter, city centre square, footsteps, voices, walla, buses, mopeds, busy, pedestrians mainly pass L-R behind and vehicles in front, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 1:54 | Static |
8 | Transportation / Interior | Metro Station 'B' | Transport_Int_MetroStB_ platformHall_voices_footsteps_announcement_ Stat_MPAA0127_am.wav | Transportation, Interior, Metro Station 'B', platform hall, trains arriving and departing, electronic check-in chimes, voices, footsteps, announcement (unintelligible), ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0125 and 0128. | 2:08 | Static |
9 | Nature / Exterior | Forest 'B' | Nature_Ext_ForestB_AutmnWint_ RAIN-medium_birds_distantTraffic_Stat_ MPAA0145_am.wav | Nature, Exterior, Forest 'B', medium RAIN, few birds, distant traffic, quiet, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 4:07 | Static |
10 | Transportation / Exterior | Train Station 'B' | Transport_Ext_TrainStC_AutmnWint_ platform_trains_voices_-3dB_Stat_MPAA0152_ am.wav | Transportation, Exterior, Train Station 'C', Autumn/Winter, platform, voices, faint footsteps, distant church bells, distant electronic check-in chimes, train arriving and departing behind, diesel train passing in front, -3 dB, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0153. | 2:04 | Static |
11 | Leisure / Interior | Shopping Centre 'A' | Leisure_Int_ShoppingCentreA_ firstFloor_mediumBusy_voices_footsteps_ children_Stat_MPAA0155_am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Shopping Centre 'A', first floor, medium busy, footsteps, voices, children, very faint background music, ZM-1-3E | 3:11 | Static |
12 | Leisure / Interior | Restaurant 'A' | Leisure_Int_RestaurantA_voices_ walla_plates_cutlery_mediumBusy_Stat_ MPAA0184_am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Restaurant 'A', medium sized restaurant, voices (multiple languages), walla, plates, cutlery, footsteps, very faint background music, medium busy, ZM-1-3E. Can be used together with MPAA0183 via crossfade. Matches MPAA0185. | 3:05 | Static |
13 | Leisure / Interior | Concert Room 'A' | Leisure_Int_ConcertRoomA_strings_ tuning_preparation_voices_Stat_MPAA0187_ am.wav | Leisure, Interior, Concert Room 'A', dry room, student’s concert, strings, tuning, preparation, audience voices behind, instrument noises, children, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0188-0192. | 2:22 | Static |
14 | Urban / Exterior | City 'B' | Urban_Ext_CityB_AutmnWint_TRAFFIC_ majorRoad_busy_birds_Stat_MPAA0196_am.wav | Urban, Exterior, City 'B', Autumn/Winter, major road into city, near traffic light, busy TRAFFIC (relaxing when red light), bicycles, footsteps, birds, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0195. | 1:56 | Static |
15 | Leisure / Exterior | Zoo 'A' | Leisure_Ext_ZooA_AutmnWint_ SPARROWS_kean_voices_birds_Stat_MPAA0204_ am.wav | Leisure, Exterior, Zoo 'A', Autumn/Winter, sparrows, kean, other birds, voices, distant children playing, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 2:25 | Static |
16 | Nature / Exterior | Forest 'B' | Nature_Ext_ForestB_AutmnWint_ lightWind_lightGusts_conifers_birds_Stat_ MPAA0256_am.wav | Nature, Exterior, Forest 'B', light wind gusts in treetops, conifer area, birds, quiet, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0257and 0258. | 3:59 | Static |
17 | Domestic / Interior | House 'A' | Domestic_Int_HouseA_DISHWASHER_ kitchen_Stat_MPAA0264_am.wav | Domestic, Interior, House 'A', kitchen, DISHWASHER running through different stages, rumbling pumps, water, gurgling from sink, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0263. | 3:56 | Static |
18 | Transportation / Interior | Electric train | Transport_Int_ElectricTrain_ quietCompartment_ride3stops_Stat_MPAA0266_am.wav | Transportation, Interior, Electric Train, 3-stop ride in quiet compartment, sliding door, door beeps, sniffing, newspaper rattling, voices, faint music from smartphone earbuds, ZM-1-3E. This recording is not directly loopable but can be looped with a crossfade. | 5:49 | Static |
19 | Leisure / Exterior | Amusement Park 'A' | Leisure_Ext_AmusementParkA_ ROLLERCOASTER_traditional_ platformPerspective_screaming_Stat_MPAA0276_am.wav | Leisure, Exterior, Amusement Park 'A', Autumn/Winter, traditional ROLLERCOASTER ride from arrival platform perspective, ride arriving, passengers exiting, ride passing, two rides, screams, voices, footsteps, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E | 4:33 | Static |
20 | Leisure / Exterior | Ski Resort 'A' | Leisure_Ext_SkiResortA_Wint_ buttonLiftSlope_voices_skis_snow_Stat_MPAA0294_ am.wav | Leisure, Exterior, Ski Resort 'A', Winter, button lift slope bottom, semi-distant button lift engine, distant chairlift engine, distant voices, skis, snow, skiers passing, Northern Europe, ZM-1-3E. Matches MPAA0293 and 0295. | 2:21 | Static |
Total duration: | 57:56 |
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